It's been a while since I wrote anything for our blog. I have been showing the website and our instagram page some love but neglecting our little blog.
So lets please our 10's of readers (some of them are probably my family) and get this blog up to speed. A good place to start is our day at The 2023 IPMS Scale Model World show in Telford.
A highlight of the show for me, a diorama of "I was probably a little to low" a recreation of the Lancaster flown by F/L Les Munro while testing and training for the Dambusters raid.
If you have never been to the Scale Model World show in Telford, or never been to a model show, let me try and give you an idea of what it is like.
Take a big building in Telford, fill it full of amazingly talented model builders, various model building clubs, tables full of their work and then loads of lovely people who like to build things and you have the ingredients for a model show.
Oh also throw in loads of geeks and nerds (my people) building sci-fi and film themed models. Its not all war planes and cars.
So we got there nice and early to be one of the first through the door. Turns out we were not the only ones with that idea, I think the queue crossed a few postcodes.
If you hate queues just arrive after 10am, its pretty much sorted out by then.
Now move into the building, grab your free program and wrist band, then it's a quick stop at the IPMS charity table.
For a donation to charity, you can give an old model a new home or get yourself a nice book. So I threw some money in the charity bucket and got myself a lovely book on fighter planes and then its model show time.
3 halls of amazing models and dioramas to enjoy and loads of model builders who are more than happy to talk about their builds and give advice and tips.
Highly detailed dioramas like this recreation of a Mulberry harbour. The Mulberry Harbours were portable harbours used in the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944.
Just look at that lovely attention to detail.
Or how about this little beauty?
"Mind The Gap" one of the many great dioramas and models at the show.
The people that build these stunning dioramas will gladly talk to you about how they made them. These model clubs are also full of people who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter and will happily talk to you all day about it.
Maybe you are saying to yourself "hey Mr blogger man, war themed dioramas are good but I like me some cars and motorbikes" Well blogger reader person, I have you covered there.
To modern? how about this classic Bentley.
With the nice touch of a newspaper and toolbox on the seat.
After some time on my feet admiring these stunning models and chatting to great people, I think I have earned a sit down, with a drink and a bacon butty. Now refuelled and a little lighter in the pocket (bacon butties and drinks are a little bit on the expensive side) time for more models.
Lets see now, we have seen some highly detailed dioramas and cars so how about something a little different.
Yep...they are Ninja Turtles on that table. Wait is that?
Yes, it's Judge Dredd.
Now we have a battle damaged U.S.S Enterprise.
Plus a Back to the Future Delorean in front of it. Star Wars, Star Trek, Back to the Future, the sci-fi nerd in me doesn't need much else, so lets get back to some interesting tanks planes etc.
Love the muzzle flash effect on this tank model. Or how about something from the 1st World War like this beautiful model.
So much to look at including a whole table of my favourite aircraft, the Mosquito.
Just look at the aircraft, I love it.
I want to jump back to dioramas again as this one was so big and detailed.
So much going on in this amazing model. I spent quite a long time searching this diorama and finding new details.
So as you can probably tell by now, I enjoyed myself and found lots of models that satisfied my love of aircraft, cars, sci-fi etc and...wait, is that? Ok that table needs some love "So say we all".
I do love me some Battlestar Galactica and had a good long chat with the man behind this display. Look, look a Cylon Raider, a Viper and look at that Raptor. Don't worry if none of that means anything to you, as you will find so many different subjects covered you are bound to find something that makes you say "oh wow".
I mean look at these.
A model of War Horse. I was not expecting to see that. Or a Stealth Fighter.
It didn't fly under my radar.
A tram car.
This is my stop. Or a model that is a little more Alien or a lot more Alien.
Get a way from her you naughty alien (i'm sure that's what she says in the film). While we are on films I have to include Jurassic Park.
Because it looks great and also becuase this is the X-Plus Model kit that we are currently promoting. Just click here to see the X-Plus range. A total shameless plug I know but hey, I have to try at some point.
There are just to many great models to share but I hope I have given you a taste of what you can see at the IPMS Telford Model Show. In the interest of being fair and open I probably should mention that you can also buy models at the show. But none of the vendors have a mountain in their name, a blog read by literally 10's of people or as many bad jokes and puns in their newsletter.
So in conclusion.
If you like models, go the IPMS Telford Model show.
If you like aircraft, cars, bikes, tanks, sci-fi and movies, go the IPMS Telford Model Show.
If you are interested in starting to build models, go the IPMS Telford Model Show (then buy some models from us)
Just go the show (and buy from us) but most importantly support the show (but still buy from us).
First blog I have done in a while and it got very big. Well done if you made it this far and maybe you will show my earlier blogs some love.
Also if you recognise your work feel free to contact me and I will update the blog with names of creators. Credit where credit is due.
Should have made a note of each club and builder but didn't really plan ahead for this blog.